Friday, September 30, 2011

Confession Friday

2 blogs this week....look out!!

I confess that so far the only thing I am looking forward to this Holiday season to SGM new flavor!!  White cranberry cosmo...yummy!!

I confess that if I didn't blog today I feel like I was going to be kicked out of the group!

I confess even though I know it's not going to really happen I still feel like my neighbor is going to try and murder me in my sleep. 

I confess that I am sooooooo excited for Breaking Dawn to come our November 18th! 

I confess I already have 4 invites to see Breaking Dawn and I may go see the movie 4 times!

I confess I have been watching extreme couponing for the past 3 days and those people are fricking crazy!!!  However it makes me realize all the money I could be saving and I need to re-start clipping coupons again...just not to their extreme.

I confess I haven't seen my BFF in like 3 weeks and it's driving me crazy!

I confess that I know my blog is boring, especially without pictures but I don't know how to do all that jazz.  Sorry :(

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hello Again!!!

Hello Bloggers!!!!!!!!!

It's been a while.  Work has been so crazy busy that I have no time to blog!  The only reason I'm blogging right now is because out computers are down (go figure!)  So let me catch you up on what been going on
  • work
  • work
  • work
  • my neighbor wants to murder me
  • work
  • work
  • being poor
  • did I mention work?!
I will defiantly post more later but didn't want you all to forget about me!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Confession Friday

Oooooo my first confession Friday!

I confess that our computers at work have been down since Wednesday at noon and I really don't miss them at all.

I confess that instead of throwing my bathroom trash away I have just been going to the other bathroom to use that trash can.

I confess that if my co worker doesn't start acting like an adult and not a 13 year old I may punch her in the face.  Literally punch her in the face.

I confess that I don't care if you worked out or not.

I confess I have no plans for this weekend except working Saturday morning and babysitting all day Monday.  I need plans!

I confess that every time i drink my gallon of coffee a day i can almost feel it burning a hole in my stomach but I still want more!

I confess that this post makes me sound really negative but it's been a bad couple days.  I'll be more positive next week :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just Another Day In Paradise

Well it's Thursday and our computer system has been down since yesterday afternoon and I am super bored at work!!!  Like I understand we are a dr's office and you might be sick or bleeding from the head but our system is down, so turn the phones off and lets go home!!!!  Some of our patients are just morons to.  I changed to greeting and it says our computers system is down but they still call and say "can you look in my chart and see when my last hepatitis b shot was"  Ummmmm negative!  Did you not listen to the message fucktard!  (that's for you Heather and Sarah!)
So to pass the time I have googled everything I can think of, FB'ed, checked out all my friends blogs and checked my e-mail.  And what did I find in my e-mail you ask.  Well I found that I had 527 messages!!!!!!!  I know you are all saying "WTF Jen"  but that is actually pretty normal for me.  So if you really need something from me call or txt me, I WILL NEVER GET YOUR E-MAIL!
Oh and I forgot to mention our air is not working....AGAIN!  So it is pretty f'ing hot in here and I'm getting pretty crabby. 
Lets hope Friday is a better day!